Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Blog Announces "Waterboarding for Walker"

A new blog named Heartland Hollar has surfaced and if its first posting is any indication, it will be worth visiting in the future. In its inaugural post the blog launches a new fundraiser called "Waterboarding for Walker". In it the author challenges right wing talker, Charlie Sykes, to put his mouth where the money is for Scott Walker.

As we know, many conservatives insist that waterboarding is not torture. Fake News blowhard Sean Hannity agreed on air to undergo waterboarding for charity to prove that it is harmless. Heartland Hollar is suggesting that Charlie Sykes follow Hannity's lead, if he really wants to fully get behind Scott Walker. Walker already has the money bags getting behind the other right wing guy, so he could probably use all the help that he can get.

ht: Whallah

1 comment:

Grandpa Eddie said...

I just love the way Walker is using his "sell Milwaukee campaign" to campaign for governor. The people of Milwaukee county should be up in arms about this.

First time visitor here. I live here in SE Wisconsin, not real far from you, the little village of Sharon to be exact.

I'll be returning to read more of your posts.